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No one needs to do it alone

5 REASONS WHY social connection matters

1. Loneliness harms your health

According to the recent Our epidemic of loneliness and isolation report,

“Lacking social connection can increase the risk for premature death as much as smoking up to 15 cigarettes a day."

Hear from Jayce
2. Connecting takes work

Building and maintaining social connections can be hard, especially as we get older and get occupied by our busy lives.

Hear from James
3. Camaraderie is key

Camaraderie brings a sense of belonging that, in itself, makes us feel supported.

Hear from Samuel
4. Takes your mind off things

Doing things together can break up the daily routine, provide an escape from life responsibilities, and reduces stress. 

Hear from Hudson
5. Men want real connections

Men crave deep and authentic social connections, but they often find it challenging to meaningfully connect with other guys.

Hear from Lincoln

5 TIPS on HOW to build stronger connections

1. Play on your own turf

Find a place where you feel comfortable being your authentic self and engaging in meaningful conversations. 

Hear from Hudson
2. Keep a sense of humour

Not every conversation has to be deep and serious – humour and fun are needed too.

Hear from Travis
3. Be yourself without beer

Rethink the equation: Alcohol = Men opening up.

Do we really need to be drunk or under the influence of alcohol to socialize together?

Hear from Spencer
4. Schedule routine activities

Scheduled routine activities (e.g., weekly, monthly) facilitate regular catch-ups and can help maintain peer relationships. 

Hear from Levi
5. Go online if needed

Hopping online can be a cheap and easy option for staying connected when in-person gatherings aren’t possible

Hear from Jax

What Men said

This exhibition showcases men’s photographs and narratives on the importance of social connection, and the strategies for building and maintaining meaningful connections with other guys. We encourage you to reflect on your own experiences of connecting with men in your life.

Learn how to CHECK IN

Learn how you can check in on your buddy to find out what's really going on with them.

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Tune in to the PODCAST
Podcast Cover v02

Hear from experts how strong social connections can better men's health.

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Learn how to REACH OUT

Check out ways you can ask a buddy for support, and navigate through tough conversations.

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